A heartfelt hello to 2025...

A heartfelt hello to 2025...

With each passing year, the sands seem to slip through the hourglass more swiftly than before. This realization underscores the significance of intentionality in how we choose to invest our hours, and more importantly, with whom.

My answer? Needlepoint.

It's more than just a hobby, it’s my haven. It's where I can bid goodbye to the digital distractions. It's a place where I can make connections with like-minded souls with shared interests and values. This art form and hobby is not just about creating beautiful pieces, but it also serves as a balm to my often racing mind.

The year 2024 was a delightful journey of growth and learning. We bid farewell to the humble beginnings of my home office/guest bedroom and moved operations to a commercial space nearby. We launched new designs, curated kits and our MKND Finishing Shop.

By summer 2025, we will open our doors for special events, educational classes, offering ample space for stitching along with favorite, canvases, accessories and frills. Exciting new things are coming your way in the new year, and I can't wait!

I am wishing you and those you love a healthy, happy and prosperous new year!

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